Bruce Tango

The Paranormal World Event
Hosted By Bruce Tango
Please join us for an exciting and spine-tingling evening at The Merchant and Drover`s Tavern Museum on Sat. May 31st. as we delve into many different aspects of the Paranormal. The night will include lectures, films and audio.
Our guests will include Joe Foster, a highly respected MUFON Investigator who will be talking about UFO`s and the like. Also we have a longtime friend/ Bruce Pearson, a UFO- Paranormal Investigator who will rattle you with his stories and films, During the evening i will chime in with a talk, film and an audio involving one of the most well-known Exorcism cases ever to take place. Please believe me when I say that you are going shake in your seats as I present this chilling and frightening case. Time permitting, I will be doing a lights out EVP session with the immediate playback checking for responses to our questions. Anyone can tell you that I’m usually very lucky when doing EVP sessions.
Then to top off the evening we have our special guest Jane Doherty,
world renowned Psychic Medium who will be doing an exciting Gallery Reading for us. Have you ever wanted to make contact with a family member or friend who has passed on? Well this is your chance! Jane is truly amazing at what she does.
Another exciting part of the night will be when the audience has a chance to share some of their paranormal experiences with everyone. We plan on discussing these experiences and possibly come to some kind of conclusion or help in some way. Should be a very interesting night.
Please hurry and get your tickets now! Only 35 tickets will be sold for this event and some are already spoken for.
There`s going to be food, deserts and coffee. This is going to be a night
you soon will not forget. See you there !!! Thanks !
​Merchant and Drovers Tavern Museum
1632 St. Georges Ave, Rahway, NJ.
Corner of St. Georges Ave & Westfield Ave.
Saturday, May 31st at 7 pm